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5 tips for a long-term relationship

Who claims to hold the secret of couple happiness, is definitely lying! There are no secrets that hold two people together for a long-term (or forever), but there are ideas that can be applied and that you can take into consideration. Here are five tips for a long-lasting relationship:

  1. Accept the other’s flaws

None of us is perfect. Some are messy. Some are not punctual. If “he” lives with his family until adulthood, with customs, qualities and but also flaws, who are we to change them? No man will stand by you because he needs another mother to nag him and set him straight whenever he “makes a mistake”. In a couple, everyone wants a partner to love them as they are. If you find a man who tends to be late and you have to meet him for an event that starts at a certain hour, try to tell him to meet you there half an hour earlier. This way, you will make sure you both get there in time and you won’t have to make a big fuss about him being late. It all depends on the strategist within you!

  1. Admit it when you are wrong!

You definitely have couples around you that fight over insignificant things. A small conflict can generate a big fight. Maybe it’s you who did wrong, but when you realize it, due to your ego, you won’t let your “guard” down. Give up your ego, reevaluate the conversation, see what triggered it and forgive the words that were said in anger, especially if the misunderstanding came from you.

  1. Don’t try to change the one beside into a…clone

Sometimes, couple issues appear due to the different tastes the partners have. You may love to go to the seaside. He might hate the sun. Nothing wrong with this. Can you try to force him, just for your sake, to spend all your vacations at the seaside?! A wise idea would definitely be to alternate holidays, so that you can please him too, or at least “lure” him with a few weekends at the mountain before your long-awaited holiday from which you want to return with a good tan. Because…well, you have waited the entire year for it! For a healthy couple life it’s best to respect the other’s different tastes and opinions. Don’t make a job out of turning the one next to you in your clone.

  1. Learn how to become a friend, not only a lover!  

Listen to him both when he's happy and playful and when he has problems wither at the job or with his parents. This way he will know that someone is with him for better and for worse, which will ensure him and the bond between you two psychological comfort.

  1. Don’t turn him into a toy for your happiness

After you succeed to find a partner, you mustn’t always use him so that you can be happy. You shouldn’t complain when he’s not with you or he doesn’t pay attention and is not affectionate day by day and hour by hour.

For happiness within the couple try and keep your independence and also be happy with your extra-couple life. Give your partner the same freedom and flexibility that you would want to have. Otherwise, you will be smothering him. Make friends with whom you can enjoy going out for a drink or in the club, enjoy your hobbies, enjoy life and in the evening, after a full day, share all the things you enjoyed during the day with your lover. Your partner must be the most beautiful thing that completes your lifestyle and not a toy to make your day better when and how you want to. The more you force your partner to play only the role of making you happy, the more you will push him away as he won’t have time to live his own life, or will start enjoying his own hobbies or the people around him.  

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